List of phone numbers
The API provides the feature to get the list of phone number for a contact. In order to get the list pass the contacts id as reference id.
Request Information
URI Parameters
In order to make a call integrate the below parameters into Url while calling the API from an integration.
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
contactId |
pass the contact id to get the list of phone numbers. |
integer |
Required |
Get the list
In order to get the list of phone number for a contact, pass a valid contact id as url parameter, below is the sample:
Response Information
Resource Description
List of phone numbers.
Collection of PhoneName | Description | Type | Additional information |
SharingInfo |
Provide sharing Information if this phone number is shared |
Sharing |
None. |
Usage |
Provide usage information |
Use |
Required |
PhoneTypes |
List of Phone Types. |
Collection of GenericKeyValueOfNullableOfInt32AndString |
None. |
PhoneNumber |
Phone Number of the Contact |
string |
Required |
FormattedPhoneNumber | string |
None. |
CountryCode | string |
None. |
Extension | string |
None. |
Id | integer |
None. |
RelatedToId | integer |
None. |
MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id | integer |
None. |
MergeType | string |
None. |
SortOrder | integer |
None. |
Response Formats
[ { "SharingInfo": { "SharedWith": [ { "ContactId": 1, "ContactName": "String Parameter 2", "IsRemoved": true, "IsRecordOwner": true }, { "ContactId": 1, "ContactName": "String Parameter 2", "IsRemoved": true, "IsRecordOwner": true } ] }, "Usage": { "IsPrimary": true, "UsedForCommunication": true, "SameHousehold": true }, "PhoneTypes": [ { "Id": 1, "Value": "String Parameter 1" }, { "Id": 1, "Value": "String Parameter 1" } ], "PhoneNumber": "String Parameter 1", "FormattedPhoneNumber": "String Parameter 2", "CountryCode": "String Parameter 3", "Extension": "String Parameter 4", "Id": 6, "RelatedToId": 1, "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1, "MergeType": "String Parameter 7", "SortOrder": 1 }, { "SharingInfo": { "SharedWith": [ { "ContactId": 1, "ContactName": "String Parameter 2", "IsRemoved": true, "IsRecordOwner": true }, { "ContactId": 1, "ContactName": "String Parameter 2", "IsRemoved": true, "IsRecordOwner": true } ] }, "Usage": { "IsPrimary": true, "UsedForCommunication": true, "SameHousehold": true }, "PhoneTypes": [ { "Id": 1, "Value": "String Parameter 1" }, { "Id": 1, "Value": "String Parameter 1" } ], "PhoneNumber": "String Parameter 1", "FormattedPhoneNumber": "String Parameter 2", "CountryCode": "String Parameter 3", "Extension": "String Parameter 4", "Id": 6, "RelatedToId": 1, "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1, "MergeType": "String Parameter 7", "SortOrder": 1 } ]