Creating an Individual contact

The API provides feature to create an Individual contact, we can pass more extended information with this API which includes relationship, address, emails, phones work information and communication preference, the API works as per duplicate prevention setting, in case if there in one contact found as per setting, the information will be overwritten by this new information.

Request Information

Body Parameters

Body parameters need to be integrated as json key value collection followed by valid object notations, below if the list of parameters can be sent as request body by an integrator.

Contact Information of Individual

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information




Relationship Information of the contact.




Contact Profile Information




Specific Addresses such as Temporary Address, Seasonal Address ,etc.




Demographic information of the contact




Work Information of this Individual/Contact

Collection of NewOrgWorkInformation






Specifiy the Primary Non Profit Contact Information.




Set or get the value to indicate whether the contact is deceased or not




Salutations for the Contact. Ignore setting values for 'Id' and 'RelatedToId' field.




Dont Set the Value for this field explicitly.




Memorial Date




The Contact Source Id




Addresses for this contact




Crucial Information




List of Contact Tags. List of Tags can be obtained from Lookup query. For creating new tags, pass the same tag-name in 'Id' and 'Value' records of this collection object.

Collection of Object



The Communication Media




List of Social Medias associated with the Contact

Collection of Object



Collection of EngagementDetail




















Request Format

Below is the typical object of the request, in order to use the API for various requirement, refer the documentation.

  "ContactImageBase64": "String Parameter 1",
  "RelationshipInfo": {
    "Children": [
        "RelationshipContact": {
          "MiddleName": "String Parameter 1",
          "LastName": "String Parameter 2",
          "NickName": "String Parameter 3",
          "PrefixId": 1,
          "SuffixId": 1,
          "GenderId": 1,
          "BirthDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
          "ContactUniqueId": "String Parameter 4",
          "ContactSourceId": 1,
          "ContactName": "String Parameter 5",
          "Emails": [
              "EmailTypes": [
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
              "SharingInfo": {
                "SharedWith": [
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
              "Usage": {
                "IsPrimary": true,
                "UsedForCommunication": true,
                "SameHousehold": true
              "IsVerified": true,
              "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
              "Id": 2,
              "RelatedToId": 1,
              "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
              "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
              "SortOrder": 1
              "EmailTypes": [
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
              "SharingInfo": {
                "SharedWith": [
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
              "Usage": {
                "IsPrimary": true,
                "UsedForCommunication": true,
                "SameHousehold": true
              "IsVerified": true,
              "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
              "Id": 2,
              "RelatedToId": 1,
              "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
              "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
              "SortOrder": 1
          "ShippingAddress": {
            "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 1",
            "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 2",
            "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 3",
            "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 4",
            "PostalCode": "String Parameter 5",
            "City": "String Parameter 6",
            "County": "String Parameter 7",
            "Country": "String Parameter 8",
            "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 9",
            "AddressType": "String Parameter 10",
            "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
            "SetAsMailing": true,
            "SameAsMailing": true,
            "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
            "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
            "Id": 16,
            "RelatedToId": 1,
            "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
            "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
            "SortOrder": 1
          "Email": "String Parameter 6",
          "Fax": "String Parameter 7",
          "Phone": "String Parameter 8",
          "CountryCode": "String Parameter 9",
          "Extension": "String Parameter 10",
          "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 11",
          "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 12",
          "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 13",
          "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 14",
          "City": "String Parameter 15",
          "State": "String Parameter 16",
          "Zip": "String Parameter 17",
          "County": "String Parameter 18",
          "Country": "String Parameter 19",
          "Id": 20,
          "RelatedToId": 1,
          "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
          "MergeType": "String Parameter 21",
          "SortOrder": 1
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWithPrimaryContact": true,
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "SameHousehold": true,
        "Id": 3,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 4",
        "SortOrder": 1
        "RelationshipContact": {
          "MiddleName": "String Parameter 1",
          "LastName": "String Parameter 2",
          "NickName": "String Parameter 3",
          "PrefixId": 1,
          "SuffixId": 1,
          "GenderId": 1,
          "BirthDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
          "ContactUniqueId": "String Parameter 4",
          "ContactSourceId": 1,
          "ContactName": "String Parameter 5",
          "Emails": [
              "EmailTypes": [
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
              "SharingInfo": {
                "SharedWith": [
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
              "Usage": {
                "IsPrimary": true,
                "UsedForCommunication": true,
                "SameHousehold": true
              "IsVerified": true,
              "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
              "Id": 2,
              "RelatedToId": 1,
              "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
              "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
              "SortOrder": 1
              "EmailTypes": [
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
                  "Id": 1,
                  "Value": "String Parameter 1"
              "SharingInfo": {
                "SharedWith": [
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
                    "ContactId": 1,
                    "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                    "IsRemoved": true,
                    "IsRecordOwner": true
              "Usage": {
                "IsPrimary": true,
                "UsedForCommunication": true,
                "SameHousehold": true
              "IsVerified": true,
              "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
              "Id": 2,
              "RelatedToId": 1,
              "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
              "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
              "SortOrder": 1
          "ShippingAddress": {
            "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 1",
            "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 2",
            "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 3",
            "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 4",
            "PostalCode": "String Parameter 5",
            "City": "String Parameter 6",
            "County": "String Parameter 7",
            "Country": "String Parameter 8",
            "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 9",
            "AddressType": "String Parameter 10",
            "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
            "SetAsMailing": true,
            "SameAsMailing": true,
            "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
            "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
            "Id": 16,
            "RelatedToId": 1,
            "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
            "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
            "SortOrder": 1
          "Email": "String Parameter 6",
          "Fax": "String Parameter 7",
          "Phone": "String Parameter 8",
          "CountryCode": "String Parameter 9",
          "Extension": "String Parameter 10",
          "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 11",
          "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 12",
          "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 13",
          "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 14",
          "City": "String Parameter 15",
          "State": "String Parameter 16",
          "Zip": "String Parameter 17",
          "County": "String Parameter 18",
          "Country": "String Parameter 19",
          "Id": 20,
          "RelatedToId": 1,
          "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
          "MergeType": "String Parameter 21",
          "SortOrder": 1
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWithPrimaryContact": true,
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "SameHousehold": true,
        "Id": 3,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 4",
        "SortOrder": 1
    "SpouseRelation": {
      "RelationshipContact": {
        "MiddleName": "String Parameter 1",
        "LastName": "String Parameter 2",
        "NickName": "String Parameter 3",
        "PrefixId": 1,
        "SuffixId": 1,
        "GenderId": 1,
        "BirthDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
        "ContactUniqueId": "String Parameter 4",
        "ContactSourceId": 1,
        "ContactName": "String Parameter 5",
        "Emails": [
            "EmailTypes": [
                "Id": 1,
                "Value": "String Parameter 1"
                "Id": 1,
                "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "SharingInfo": {
              "SharedWith": [
                  "ContactId": 1,
                  "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                  "IsRemoved": true,
                  "IsRecordOwner": true
                  "ContactId": 1,
                  "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                  "IsRemoved": true,
                  "IsRecordOwner": true
            "Usage": {
              "IsPrimary": true,
              "UsedForCommunication": true,
              "SameHousehold": true
            "IsVerified": true,
            "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
            "Id": 2,
            "RelatedToId": 1,
            "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
            "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
            "SortOrder": 1
            "EmailTypes": [
                "Id": 1,
                "Value": "String Parameter 1"
                "Id": 1,
                "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "SharingInfo": {
              "SharedWith": [
                  "ContactId": 1,
                  "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                  "IsRemoved": true,
                  "IsRecordOwner": true
                  "ContactId": 1,
                  "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
                  "IsRemoved": true,
                  "IsRecordOwner": true
            "Usage": {
              "IsPrimary": true,
              "UsedForCommunication": true,
              "SameHousehold": true
            "IsVerified": true,
            "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
            "Id": 2,
            "RelatedToId": 1,
            "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
            "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
            "SortOrder": 1
        "ShippingAddress": {
          "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 1",
          "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 2",
          "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 3",
          "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 4",
          "PostalCode": "String Parameter 5",
          "City": "String Parameter 6",
          "County": "String Parameter 7",
          "Country": "String Parameter 8",
          "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 9",
          "AddressType": "String Parameter 10",
          "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
          "SetAsMailing": true,
          "SameAsMailing": true,
          "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
          "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
          "Id": 16,
          "RelatedToId": 1,
          "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
          "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
          "SortOrder": 1
        "Email": "String Parameter 6",
        "Fax": "String Parameter 7",
        "Phone": "String Parameter 8",
        "CountryCode": "String Parameter 9",
        "Extension": "String Parameter 10",
        "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 11",
        "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 12",
        "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 13",
        "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 14",
        "City": "String Parameter 15",
        "State": "String Parameter 16",
        "Zip": "String Parameter 17",
        "County": "String Parameter 18",
        "Country": "String Parameter 19",
        "Id": 20,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 21",
        "SortOrder": 1
      "SharingInfo": {
        "SharedWithPrimaryContact": true,
        "SharedWith": [
            "ContactId": 1,
            "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
            "IsRemoved": true,
            "IsRecordOwner": true
            "ContactId": 1,
            "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
            "IsRemoved": true,
            "IsRecordOwner": true
      "SameHousehold": true,
      "Id": 3,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 4",
      "SortOrder": 1
    "OtherRelations": null,
    "HouseholdSalutation": "String Parameter 1"
  "Profile": {
    "FirstName": "String Parameter 1",
    "MiddleName": "String Parameter 2",
    "LastName": "String Parameter 3",
    "BirthDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
    "NickName": "String Parameter 4",
    "PrefixId": 1,
    "SuffixId": 1,
    "GenderId": 1,
    "ContactSourceId": 1
  "SpecificAddresses": {
    "SeasonalAddress": {
      "FromDayMonth": {
        "Month": "String Parameter 1",
        "Day": 2
      "ToDayMonth": {
        "Month": "String Parameter 1",
        "Day": 2
      "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 1",
      "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 2",
      "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 3",
      "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 4",
      "PostalCode": "String Parameter 5",
      "City": "String Parameter 6",
      "County": "String Parameter 7",
      "Country": "String Parameter 8",
      "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 9",
      "AddressType": "String Parameter 10",
      "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
      "SetAsMailing": true,
      "SameAsMailing": true,
      "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
      "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
      "Id": 16,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
      "SortOrder": 1
    "TemporaryAddress": {
      "FromDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
      "ToDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
      "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 3",
      "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 4",
      "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 5",
      "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 6",
      "PostalCode": "String Parameter 7",
      "City": "String Parameter 8",
      "County": "String Parameter 9",
      "Country": "String Parameter 10",
      "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 11",
      "AddressType": "String Parameter 12",
      "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 13",
      "SetAsMailing": true,
      "SameAsMailing": true,
      "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 16",
      "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 17",
      "Id": 18,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 19",
      "SortOrder": 1
  "Demographics": {
    "MaritalStatusId": 1,
    "IncomeLevelId": 1,
    "EthnicityIds": [
    "ParentingStatusId": 1,
    "HousingStatusId": 1,
    "EmploymentStatusId": 1
  "WorkInformation": [
      "OrganizationName": "String Parameter 1",
      "WebsiteUrl": "String Parameter 2",
      "NoOfEmployees": 1,
      "Email": "String Parameter 3",
      "Fax": "String Parameter 4",
      "Phone": "String Parameter 5",
      "State": "String Parameter 6",
      "Zip": "String Parameter 7",
      "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 8",
      "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 9",
      "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 10",
      "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 11",
      "City": "String Parameter 12",
      "County": "String Parameter 13",
      "Country": "String Parameter 14",
      "JobContact": {
        "JobTitle": "String Parameter 1",
        "ContactFor": "String Parameter 2"
      "WorksInThisOrganization": true,
      "AddOrganizationAsContact": true,
      "IsOrganizationContact": true,
      "Id": 19,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 20",
      "SortOrder": 1
      "OrganizationName": "String Parameter 1",
      "WebsiteUrl": "String Parameter 2",
      "NoOfEmployees": 1,
      "Email": "String Parameter 3",
      "Fax": "String Parameter 4",
      "Phone": "String Parameter 5",
      "State": "String Parameter 6",
      "Zip": "String Parameter 7",
      "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 8",
      "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 9",
      "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 10",
      "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 11",
      "City": "String Parameter 12",
      "County": "String Parameter 13",
      "Country": "String Parameter 14",
      "JobContact": {
        "JobTitle": "String Parameter 1",
        "ContactFor": "String Parameter 2"
      "WorksInThisOrganization": true,
      "AddOrganizationAsContact": true,
      "IsOrganizationContact": true,
      "Id": 19,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 20",
      "SortOrder": 1
  "IsGuest": true,
  "PrimaryNPContact": {
    "MiddleName": "String Parameter 1",
    "LastName": "String Parameter 2",
    "NickName": "String Parameter 3",
    "PrefixId": 1,
    "SuffixId": 1,
    "GenderId": 1,
    "BirthDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
    "ContactUniqueId": "String Parameter 4",
    "ContactSourceId": 1,
    "ContactName": "String Parameter 5",
    "Emails": [
        "EmailTypes": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "Usage": {
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "UsedForCommunication": true,
          "SameHousehold": true
        "IsVerified": true,
        "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
        "Id": 2,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
        "SortOrder": 1
        "EmailTypes": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "Usage": {
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "UsedForCommunication": true,
          "SameHousehold": true
        "IsVerified": true,
        "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
        "Id": 2,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
        "SortOrder": 1
    "ShippingAddress": {
      "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 1",
      "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 2",
      "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 3",
      "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 4",
      "PostalCode": "String Parameter 5",
      "City": "String Parameter 6",
      "County": "String Parameter 7",
      "Country": "String Parameter 8",
      "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 9",
      "AddressType": "String Parameter 10",
      "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
      "SetAsMailing": true,
      "SameAsMailing": true,
      "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
      "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
      "Id": 16,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
      "SortOrder": 1
    "Email": "String Parameter 6",
    "Fax": "String Parameter 7",
    "Phone": "String Parameter 8",
    "CountryCode": "String Parameter 9",
    "Extension": "String Parameter 10",
    "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 11",
    "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 12",
    "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 13",
    "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 14",
    "City": "String Parameter 15",
    "State": "String Parameter 16",
    "Zip": "String Parameter 17",
    "County": "String Parameter 18",
    "Country": "String Parameter 19",
    "Id": 20,
    "RelatedToId": 1,
    "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
    "MergeType": "String Parameter 21",
    "SortOrder": 1
  "IsDeceased": true,
  "Salutations": {
    "FormalSalutation": {
      "Id": "String Parameter 1",
      "Value": "String Parameter 2"
    "InformalSalutation": {
      "Id": "String Parameter 1",
      "Value": "String Parameter 2"
    "Id": 1,
    "RelatedToId": 1
  "PhotoUrl": "String Parameter 4",
  "MemorialDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
  "ContactSourceId": 1,
  "CommonAddresses": {
    "MailingAddress": {
      "VerificationDetails": {
        "Latitude": 1.1,
        "Longitude": 1.1,
        "CarrierRoute": "String Parameter 1",
        "DeliveryPointBarcode": "String Parameter 2",
        "AddressCensusStatistics": "String Parameter 4",
        "AddressJurisdictions": "String Parameter 5"
      "AddressType": "Mailing",
      "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 2",
      "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 3",
      "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 4",
      "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 5",
      "PostalCode": "String Parameter 6",
      "City": "String Parameter 7",
      "County": "String Parameter 8",
      "Country": "String Parameter 9",
      "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 10",
      "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
      "SetAsMailing": true,
      "SameAsMailing": true,
      "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
      "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
      "Id": 16,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
      "SortOrder": 1
    "BillingAddress": {
      "VerificationDetails": {
        "Latitude": 1.1,
        "Longitude": 1.1,
        "CarrierRoute": "String Parameter 1",
        "DeliveryPointBarcode": "String Parameter 2",
        "AddressCensusStatistics": "String Parameter 4",
        "AddressJurisdictions": "String Parameter 5"
      "AddressType": "Billing",
      "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 2",
      "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 3",
      "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 4",
      "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 5",
      "PostalCode": "String Parameter 6",
      "City": "String Parameter 7",
      "County": "String Parameter 8",
      "Country": "String Parameter 9",
      "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 10",
      "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
      "SetAsMailing": true,
      "SameAsMailing": true,
      "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
      "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
      "Id": 16,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
      "SortOrder": 1
    "OtherAddress": [
        "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 1",
        "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 2",
        "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 3",
        "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 4",
        "PostalCode": "String Parameter 5",
        "City": "String Parameter 6",
        "County": "String Parameter 7",
        "Country": "String Parameter 8",
        "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 9",
        "AddressType": "String Parameter 10",
        "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
        "SetAsMailing": true,
        "SameAsMailing": true,
        "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
        "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
        "Id": 16,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
        "SortOrder": 1
        "AddressLine1": "String Parameter 1",
        "AddressLine2": "String Parameter 2",
        "AddressLine3": "String Parameter 3",
        "AddressLine4": "String Parameter 4",
        "PostalCode": "String Parameter 5",
        "City": "String Parameter 6",
        "County": "String Parameter 7",
        "Country": "String Parameter 8",
        "StateRegionProvince": "String Parameter 9",
        "AddressType": "String Parameter 10",
        "Plus4Code": "String Parameter 11",
        "SetAsMailing": true,
        "SameAsMailing": true,
        "AddressCategory": "String Parameter 14",
        "FormattedAddress": "String Parameter 15",
        "Id": 16,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 17",
        "SortOrder": 1
  "CrucialInformation": "String Parameter 5",
  "ContactTags": null,
  "Communications": {
    "Emails": [
        "EmailTypes": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "Usage": {
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "UsedForCommunication": true,
          "SameHousehold": true
        "IsVerified": true,
        "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
        "Id": 2,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
        "SortOrder": 1
        "EmailTypes": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "Usage": {
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "UsedForCommunication": true,
          "SameHousehold": true
        "IsVerified": true,
        "EmailId": "String Parameter 1",
        "Id": 2,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 3",
        "SortOrder": 1
    "Phones": [
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "Usage": {
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "UsedForCommunication": true,
          "SameHousehold": true
        "PhoneTypes": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
        "PhoneNumber": "String Parameter 1",
        "FormattedPhoneNumber": "String Parameter 2",
        "CountryCode": "String Parameter 3",
        "Extension": "String Parameter 4",
        "Id": 6,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 7",
        "SortOrder": 1
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWith": [
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
              "ContactId": 1,
              "ContactName": "String Parameter 2",
              "IsRemoved": true,
              "IsRecordOwner": true
        "Usage": {
          "IsPrimary": true,
          "UsedForCommunication": true,
          "SameHousehold": true
        "PhoneTypes": [
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
            "Id": 1,
            "Value": "String Parameter 1"
        "PhoneNumber": "String Parameter 1",
        "FormattedPhoneNumber": "String Parameter 2",
        "CountryCode": "String Parameter 3",
        "Extension": "String Parameter 4",
        "Id": 6,
        "RelatedToId": 1,
        "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
        "MergeType": "String Parameter 7",
        "SortOrder": 1
    "Communication": {
      "PhoneCallPreference": true,
      "MailPreference": true,
      "EmailPreference": true,
      "Id": 1,
      "RelatedToId": 1,
      "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
      "MergeType": "String Parameter 2",
      "SortOrder": 1
  "SocialMedias": null,
  "ContactEngagements": [
      "TypeId": 1,
      "InteractionType": "String Parameter 1",
      "InteractionId": 2,
      "Title": "String Parameter 3",
      "Date": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
      "Category": "String Parameter 5",
      "CategoryValue": "String Parameter 6",
      "ReferenceCategoryId": "String Parameter 7",
      "StatusId": 8,
      "StatusValue": "String Parameter 9",
      "UserId": "String Parameter 10",
      "User": "String Parameter 11",
      "ParentInteractionId": 1,
      "ReminderSet": true,
      "CommunicationType": "String Parameter 13",
      "ReminderDateTime": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
      "ReminderValue": 1,
      "ReminderDurationId": 1,
      "ReminderDurationIdValue": "String Parameter 14",
      "ReminderOccurs": "String Parameter 15",
      "NotifyViaEmail": true,
      "Notes": [
          "Id": 1,
          "Description": "String Parameter 2",
          "RelatedToId": 1,
          "Date": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
          "User": "String Parameter 4"
          "Id": 1,
          "Description": "String Parameter 2",
          "RelatedToId": 1,
          "Date": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
          "User": "String Parameter 4"
      "InteractionContacts": [
          "ContactId": 1,
          "RelatedToId": 1
          "ContactId": 1,
          "RelatedToId": 1
      "PriorityId": 17
      "TypeId": 1,
      "InteractionType": "String Parameter 1",
      "InteractionId": 2,
      "Title": "String Parameter 3",
      "Date": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
      "Category": "String Parameter 5",
      "CategoryValue": "String Parameter 6",
      "ReferenceCategoryId": "String Parameter 7",
      "StatusId": 8,
      "StatusValue": "String Parameter 9",
      "UserId": "String Parameter 10",
      "User": "String Parameter 11",
      "ParentInteractionId": 1,
      "ReminderSet": true,
      "CommunicationType": "String Parameter 13",
      "ReminderDateTime": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
      "ReminderValue": 1,
      "ReminderDurationId": 1,
      "ReminderDurationIdValue": "String Parameter 14",
      "ReminderOccurs": "String Parameter 15",
      "NotifyViaEmail": true,
      "Notes": [
          "Id": 1,
          "Description": "String Parameter 2",
          "RelatedToId": 1,
          "Date": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
          "User": "String Parameter 4"
          "Id": 1,
          "Description": "String Parameter 2",
          "RelatedToId": 1,
          "Date": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
          "User": "String Parameter 4"
      "InteractionContacts": [
          "ContactId": 1,
          "RelatedToId": 1
          "ContactId": 1,
          "RelatedToId": 1
      "PriorityId": 17
  "FinancialDetails": {
    "FirstGiftAmount": 1.0,
    "FirstGiftDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
    "LastGiftAmount": 2.0,
    "LastGiftDate": "2025/03/09 13:37:31",
    "TotalGiftAmount": 3.0,
    "AverageGiftAmount": 4.0,
    "MostCommonGiftAmount": 5.0,
    "DonorRecencyInDays": 6,
    "DonorRecencyInMonths": 7,
    "LargetsGiftAmount": 8.0,
    "NoOfGifts": 9,
    "TotalAmount": 10.0,
    "TotalCredit": 11.0,
    "TotalPaid": 12.0,
    "TotalDue": 13.0,
    "TotalDiscount": 14.0
  "Id": 7,
  "RelatedToId": 1,
  "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1,
  "MergeType": "String Parameter 8",
  "SortOrder": 1

Creating an Individual

In case creating an Individual, pass the object filled with valid information, below is the sample:

  "RelationshipInfo": {
    "Children": [
        "RelationshipContact": {
          "MiddleName": "Ronak ",
          "LastName": "Baba",
          "PrefixId": 23,
          "SuffixId": 160,
          "ContactName": "Ronak Baba",
          "Email": ""
        "RelationshipTypeName": "Child",
        "SharingInfo": {
          "SharedWithPrimaryContact": true,
          "ShareWithHousehold": true
        "Id": -11
    "SpouseRelation": {
      "RelationshipContact": {
        "MiddleName": "Malika",
        "LastName": "Baba",
        "ContactName": "Malika Baba",
        "Email": ""
      "RelationshipTypeName": "Spouse",
      "SharingInfo": {
        "SharedWithPrimaryContact": true,
        "ShareWithHousehold": true
      "Id": -10
    "OtherRelations": null,
    "HouseholdSalutation": "sample string 1"
  "Profile": {
    "FirstName": "Rahman",
    "LastName": "Baba",
    "NickName": "Rahi",
    "PrefixId": 23,
    "SuffixId": 160,
    "GenderId": 1
  "SpecificAddresses": {
    "SeasonalAddress": {
      "FromDayMonth": {
        "Month": "March",
        "Day": 3
      "ToDayMonth": {
        "Month": "April",
        "Day": 11
      "AddressLine1": "Seasonal Address 1",
      "AddressLine2": "Seasonal Address 2",
      "PostalCode": "312605",
      "City": "Ahmedabad",
      "County": "India",
      "Country": "India",
      "StateRegionProvince": "Gujarat",
      "AddressType": "Seasonal"
    "TemporaryAddress": {
      "AddressLine1": "Temporary 1",
      "AddressLine2": "Temporary 2",
      "PostalCode": "212223",
      "City": "Ahmedabad",
      "Country": "India",
      "StateRegionProvince": "Gujarat",
      "AddressType": "Temporary"
  "Demographics": {
    "MaritalStatusId": 1,
    "IncomeLevelId": 1,
    "EthnicityIds": [
  "WorkInformation": [
      "OrganizationName": "Microsoft technologies",
      "WebsiteUrl": "",
      "NoOfEmployees": 1,
      "Email": "",
      "State": "Gujarat",
      "Zip": "380008",
      "AddressLine1": "Block 206",
      "AddressLine2": "Vandematram Villa",
      "City": "Ahmedabad",
      "Country": "Gujarata",
      "JobContact": {
        "JobTitle": "Attendee",
        "ContactFor": "Microsoft Attendee"
      "WorksInThisOrganization": true,
      "AddOrganizationAsContact": true
  "PrimaryNPContact": {
    "MiddleName": "Sangeeta ",
    "LastName": "Baba",
    "PrefixId": 23,
    "SuffixId": 160,
    "ContactName": "Sangeeta Baba",
    "Email": ""
  "IsDeceased": false,
  "CommonAddresses": {
    "MailingAddress": {
      "AddressLine1": "Mailing address 1",
      "AddressLine2": "Mailing address 2",
      "PostalCode": "962445",
      "City": "Ahmedabad",
      "County": "IND",
      "Country": "India",
      "StateRegionProvince": "Gujarat",
      "AddressType": "Mailing"
    "BillingAddress": {
      "AddressLine1": "Billing address 1",
      "AddressLine2": "Billing address 2",
      "PostalCode": "321456",
      "City": "Baroda",
      "County": "Ind",
      "Country": "India",
      "StateRegionProvince": "GJ",
      "AddressType": "Billing"
    "OtherAddress": [
        "AddressLine1": "Other address 1",
        "AddressLine2": "Other address 2",
        "PostalCode": "123456",
        "City": "Ahmedabad",
        "County": "Ind",
        "Country": "India",
        "StateRegionProvince": "Gujarat",
        "AddressType": "Other"
  "CrucialInformation": "this is crucial Info",
  "ContactTags": null,
  "Communications": {
    "Emails": [
        Usage: {
        "EmailId": ""
    "Phones": [
        Usage: {
        "PhoneNumber": "9624468722",
        "CountryCode": "91",
        "Extension": "01478"
    "Communication": {
      "PhoneCallPreference": true,
      "MailPreference": true,
      "EmailPreference": true

Response Information

Resource Description

ITypedResponse with list of all IDs and their respective Values that were generated while saving this contact be wrapped inside.

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

Collection of GenericKeyValueOfStringAndString





Response Formats

Sample not available.