Setting the contact as Deceased
The API provides the feature to set a contact as deceased and also rollback the action, in order to mark a contact as deceased pass the status as "true" followed by the contact id, and to rollback the action pass the status as "false" followed by the contact Id, the API can be used only to mark the contact as deceased and not for marking as In-active or active the contact.
Request Information
URI Parameters
In order to make a call integrate the below parameters into Url while calling the API from an integration.
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
contactId |
Contact Id |
integer |
Required |
status |
True to deactivate, False to activate |
boolean |
Required |
Mark a contact as deceased
In order to mark the contact as deceased pass the status as true followed by the contact Id, below is the example:
Mark the contact as not deceased
In order to rolling back the action pass the status as false followed by the contact Id, below is the example:
Response Information
Resource Description
True if contact was deceased, false otherwise
ITypedResponseOfNullableOfBooleanName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Result | boolean |
None. |
Category | string |
None. |
Response Formats
Sample not available.