Updating the work info
The API provides the feature to update the work information for an Individual, in order to update the work info pass the contact id as related to Id, job title and other information as request body, pass a valid id of work information in request or new work information will be created for the contact.
Request Information
Body Parameters
Body parameters need to be integrated as json key value collection followed by valid object notations, below if the list of parameters can be sent as request body by an integrator.
pass the workinformation to add
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
JobContact |
The JobTitle and Contact-For information of this contact |
JobContact |
Required |
WorksInThisOrganization |
Indicates if the Employee/Individual is currently working with the Current Organization (i.e. the Organization that is using this API). |
boolean |
None. |
AddOrganizationAsContact |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [add organization as contact]. |
boolean |
None. |
OrganizationName |
The Name of this Organization |
string |
None. |
IsOrganizationContact |
Gets or Sets IsOrganizationContact |
boolean |
None. |
WebsiteUrl | string |
None. |
Id | integer |
None. |
RelatedToId | integer |
None. |
MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id | integer |
None. |
MergeType | string |
None. |
SortOrder | integer |
None. |
Request Format
Below is the typical object of the request, in order to use the API for various requirement, refer the documentation.
{ "JobContact": { "JobTitle": "String Parameter 1", "ContactFor": "String Parameter 2" }, "WorksInThisOrganization": true, "AddOrganizationAsContact": true, "OrganizationName": "String Parameter 4", "IsOrganizationContact": true, "WebsiteUrl": "String Parameter 6", "Id": 7, "RelatedToId": 1, "MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id": 1, "MergeType": "String Parameter 8", "SortOrder": 1 }
Updating the work information job title
In order to update the job title for a work information pass the work info Id and job title as request body, below is an example:
{ "JobContact": { "JobTitle": "Sr Software developer", "ContactFor": "Iqr" }, "Id":19575, "WorksInThisOrganization": true, "AddOrganizationAsContact": false, "OrganizationName": "Iqr analytics pvt ltd", "IsOrganizationContact": true, "RelatedToId": 9831292 }
Response Information
Resource Description
Wrapped result with value as True if work information is added
ITypedResponseOfNullableOfBooleanName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Result | boolean |
None. |
Category | string |
None. |
Response Formats
Sample not available.