Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
VerificationDetails |
Details for the Verified Address. DO NOT Explicitly set values. The verification details for the verified addresses are retrieved while fetching MailingAddress details or Contact Details. For unverified address this field would remain null or empty. |
AddressVerification |
None. |
AddressType | string |
None. |
AddressLine1 |
Address Line 1 |
string |
None. |
AddressLine2 |
Address Line 2 |
string |
None. |
AddressLine3 |
Address Line 3 |
string |
None. |
AddressLine4 |
Address Line 4 |
string |
None. |
PostalCode |
Postal (ZIP) code |
string |
None. |
City |
City |
string |
None. |
County |
County |
string |
None. |
Country |
Country |
string |
None. |
StateRegionProvince |
Represnts the 2 digit State Code/Abbrevation. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
Plus4Code | string |
None. |
SetAsMailing | boolean |
None. |
SameAsMailing | boolean |
None. |
AddressCategory | string |
None. |
FormattedAddress | string |
None. |
Id | integer |
None. |
RelatedToId | integer |
None. |
MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id | integer |
None. |
MergeType | string |
None. |
SortOrder | integer |
None. |