Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Name |
Contact Full Name. |
string |
None. |
FirstName |
Contact First Name. |
string |
None. |
LastName |
Contact Last Name. |
string |
None. |
Contact email address. |
string |
None. |
WorkEmail | string |
None. |
Phone |
Contact phone number |
string |
None. |
HomePhoneNumber | string |
None. |
WorkPhoneNumber | string |
None. |
CellNumber | string |
None. |
FaxNumber | string |
None. |
Extension | string |
None. |
CountryCode | string |
None. |
CountryPhoneCode | string |
None. |
FormattedPhoneNumber | string |
None. |
LastInteractionId | integer |
None. |
LastInteractionDate |
Contact Last interaction date. |
date |
None. |
NextAskAmount |
Contact next asking amount. |
decimal number |
None. |
PhotoUrl |
Stores profile image of a contact. |
string |
None. |
ContactId |
Unique number for a contact. |
integer |
None. |
Address |
Primary address of the contact. |
string |
None. |
CrucialInfo |
Gets of Sets the crucial info about a contact. |
string |
None. |
Tags |
Gets or Sets the comma separated tags values.. |
string |
None. |
SmartTags |
Gets or Sets the comma separated smart tags values. |
string |
None. |
RelationshipName |
Gets or Sets the relationship name. |
string |
None. |
ContactTypes |
Gets or Sets the Contact types for a contact. |
string |
None. |
MembershipLevelName |
Gets or Sets the membership level name. |
string |
None. |
MemberhipEndDate |
Gets or Sets the membership end date |
date |
None. |
MembershipId |
Gets or Sets the membership Id |
integer |
None. |
MemberhipNumber |
Gets or Sets the membership number. |
string |
None. |
ContactGroup |
Gets or Sets the contact group name:Values: O - organization, I - individual |
string |
None. |
Memberships |
Gets or Sets the list of membership by a contact. |
Collection of Membership |
None. |
Relationships |
Gets or Sets the relations |
Collection of Relationship |
None. |
LastDonationAmount |
Gets or Sets the last donation amount of the contact. |
decimal number |
None. |
LastDonationDate |
Gets or Sets the last donation date. |
date |
None. |
IsAnonymousDonation |
Gets or Sets the last donation identity. |
boolean |
None. |
BenefitsToAvail |
Gets or Sets the benefits details for a contact. |
Collection of BenefitToAvail |
None. |
Prefix | string |
None. |
Suffix | string |
None. |
Gender | string |
None. |
EmailPreference | boolean |
None. |
MailPreference | boolean |
None. |
PhoneCallPreference | boolean |
None. |
ContactSourceId | integer |
None. |
ContactSource | string |
None. |
BirthDate | date |
None. |
NickName | string |
None. |
MiddleName | string |
None. |
BillingAddress | Address |
None. |
MailingAddress | Address |
None. |
ShippingAddress | Address |
None. |
OtherAddresses | Collection of Address |
None. |
FirstGiftAmount | decimal number |
None. |
FirstGiftDate | date |
None. |
LastGiftAmount | decimal number |
None. |
LastGiftDate | date |
None. |
TotalGiftAmount | decimal number |
None. |
AverageGiftAmount | decimal number |
None. |
MostCommonGiftAmount | decimal number |
None. |
DonorRecencyInDays | integer |
None. |
DonorRecencyInMonths | integer |
None. |
LargetsGiftAmount | decimal number |
None. |
NoOfGifts | integer |
None. |
TotalAmount | decimal number |
None. |
TotalCredit | decimal number |
None. |
TotalPaid | decimal number |
None. |
TotalDue | decimal number |
None. |
TotalDiscount | decimal number |
None. |
MemberSince | date |
None. |
CreatedOn | date |
None. |
UpdatedOn | date |
None. |
PrimaryNonProfitContactId | integer |
None. |
NoOfEmployees | integer |
None. |
YearFounded | integer |
None. |
WebsiteUrl | string |
None. |
PrefixId | integer |
None. |
SuffixId | integer |
None. |
GenderId | integer |
None. |