Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
IsOrganizationContact |
Indicates if this Work-Information is added as an Organization Contact |
boolean |
None. |
OrganizationName |
The Name of this Organization |
string |
None. |
WebsiteUrl |
Website URL of the Organization |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 510 |
NoOfEmployees |
No. of Employees in the Organization |
integer |
None. |
string |
None. |
Fax |
Fax |
string |
None. |
Phone |
Phone |
string |
None. |
State |
State Abbrevation |
string |
None. |
Zip |
Zip |
string |
None. |
AddressLine1 |
Address Line 1 |
string |
None. |
AddressLine2 | string |
None. |
AddressLine3 | string |
None. |
AddressLine4 | string |
None. |
City | string |
None. |
County |
County |
string |
None. |
Country |
Country |
string |
None. |
JobContact |
The JobTitle and Contact-For information of this contact |
JobContact |
Required |
WorksInThisOrganization |
Indicates if the Employee/Individual is currently working with the Current Organization (i.e. the Organization that is using this API). |
boolean |
None. |
AddOrganizationAsContact |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [add organization as contact]. |
boolean |
None. |
Id | integer |
None. |
RelatedToId | integer |
None. |
MergedWith_Or_Secondary_Id | integer |
None. |
MergeType | string |
None. |
SortOrder | integer |
None. |